GoReminders includes the Customer Timezone feature in our Business and Premium plans. It allows you to specify which timezone a customer is in when creating an appointment. If you set a timezone for a customer, their reminder messages will show dates and times in their local time, instead of your timezone. By default, the timezone selector only shows on the appointment form for customers that have a local timezone set. ย
There are several ways you can set up your customer's timezone in your account. First, you can set a customer's timezone by editing their Customer Profile. Just click More near the top of the screen, select "Search" under Customers, and then search for the customer you want to edit. Choose the customer's timezone from the Customer TZ dropdown.
You can also make the timezone field show on the New Appointment form by enabling "Always show Customer timezone selector on appointment form?" on the Appointment Settings page. Once that setting is enabled, you will be able to select your customer's timezone when creating your appointment.
Once you have the Customer Timezone settings in place, you'll want to do the following when creating an appointment using the Customer Timezone:
Go to the New Appointment page.
Next, enter the customer's personal details in the provided text fields. If the Customer Timezone has already been added to the customer's contact record, the correct timezone will automatically be selected. If the customer's timezone has not been added to their contact record, please select the appropriate timezone in the Customer Timezone dropdown.
Select the time of the appointment using your local time. For example, if you have a call with a customer in Los Angeles at 9:00 AM PST and you are located in New York City, you will select 12 PM for the appointment and select the Pacific Time (with DST) option for the Customer Timezone.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save your entry.
When your customer receives their reminders, the correct appointment time will display for their timezone and not for the timezone you are located in.