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Blocking Off Time on Your Booking Form
Blocking Off Time on Your Booking Form

This article explains how you can prevent customers from selecting unavailable days/times on the Booking Form.

Jocelle Guimoc avatar
Written by Jocelle Guimoc
Updated over a week ago

You can make certain days or times unavailable on your Booking Form, which helps to prevent your customers from booking their own appointments when you're unavailable.

Set default unavailable days and times

  1. Scroll down to ‘Open/Closed Hours’. Click the dropdown beside the days that you’re unavailable and select ‘Closed’.

  2. You can also block certain hours in a day.

    For example, you are open from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and you want to block off 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm.

    a. In the first dropdown, select 9:00 am

    b. In the second dropdown, select 12:00 pm.

    c. Click the + sign on the left. This will add another row for you to enter the next start time and end time that you’re available. For the example above, select 1:00 pm on the first dropdown. Then select 3:00 pm on the second dropdown.

    This will make sure that 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm is blocked off and your clients cannot book appointments that fall on this timeslot.

  3. Scroll down and click ‘Save’.

Block off days for one-off reasons or block irregular hours

  1. Create an appointment to Block Off Time on your Calendar.

  2. Scroll down to ‘Form Options’.

  3. ‘Don't allow any appointments to overlap.’ should be selected.

  4. Scroll down and click ‘Save’.

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