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Other Questions
Didn't find your answer in one of our other help sections? Then you may find it here! Get your other questions about GoReminders answered here.
How to Request a Google Review from Customers
2-Way SMS/Email Messaging Cost Information
How to Share Links to Your Payment Page using GoReminders (Stripe, QuickBooks Payments, and Venmo)
How to Use the 2-Way SMS/Email Messaging Feature
Sending Follow-Up Messages After an Appointment
Limiting Multi-User Scheduling Permissions
How to Send a Message Blast
Message Blasts Cost Information
How do I connect GoReminders with Zapier?
GoReminders sends SMS messages automatically
Can I change the language on my GoReminders account?
GoReminders Webinar Demo
Getting Started with Zapier and Mailchimp
Can I remind my boss?
Updating your contact information for reminder notifications
API & Documentation
Calls to a GoReminders Number
Use GoReminders on any device!
Can my entire staff use GoReminders?
Updates and new features
Customer confirmation and replies
How can I include links in Message Blasts?
What countries can I send SMS text messages to?
Can I send a Message Blast using a message from a previous blast?
What happens with my data?
What happens when a customer receives a review request?
How much does it cost?
Is there an app?
Does GoReminders work on my smartphone?
Does GoReminders work on my tablet?
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